Just want to share some thoughts..............
When you follow a balanced veg diet at least
3 days a week....there are many advantages;
Trust me on this...you feel very light and good,
you save some animals and kitchen is more cleaner.
As for Starters...Meat Lovers...just try few days a
week or few meals.
If you don't like the taste try creative veg cooking
by adding different spices,tropical fruits and nuts
such as mangoes,pineapples and cadju nuts to your
Be the Change You Wish to See in the World.
15 years ago
I have a strong conviction that one should eat a balanced diet and by that I mean eat out of each category of food, so I personally enjoy my eating style atleast it saves me alot of thinking procedure as to decide everyday what to eat..I go by the saying
"enjoy life and what it has to offer you."
Hasan, that's so right. I eat meat because of the habit. It's easier for me to plan, at least until I get accustomed to veg. But I love breads and cakes, cookies and carbohydrates best,and I would rather have them than meat.
Also, kids are now taught to 'eat their colours'. That is make sure that their plates have as many different coloured fruits and vegetables, as well as meats and cheeses.
Ramona, I think its a good way to eat more vegetarian meals and gradually become les of a meat eater.
Eating vegetables and fruits are very good eating habit but I personally believe balance diet.I think white meat like chicken and fish must be included in diet.
Being a vegetarian for two or three days a week I think is not a bad idea at all. I will try this.
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